The writer is the person who stands outside society, independent of affiliation and independent of influence. The writer is the man or woman who automatically takes a stance against his or her government. There are so many temptations for American writers to become part of the system and part of the structure that now, more than ever, we have to resist. American writers ought to stand and live in the margins, and be more dangerous...We have a rich literature. But sometimes it’s a literature too ready to be neutralized, to be incorporated into the ambient noise. This is why we need the writer in opposition, the novelist who writes against the corporation or the state or the whole apparatus of assimilation. We’re all one beat away from becoming elevator music.
—from Conversations with Don DeLillo
Our independence is essential to us. We also know that every autonomous stance is sustained not only by relentlessness, composure, and resiliency, but also a little bit of luck, and the unexpected kindness of a few improbable people.
Like you, hopefully.
When you donate to Graver Goods, you support writers, you support teachers, you support our scholarship students, and you support the community organizations that our students work for each semester.
We'd be grateful to have you as a member of the Graver Goods community.
We’re continually looking for ways to make Impracticum classes as affordable as possible while paying our teachers fairly and sustaining the life of our organization. In the meantime, The Impracticum Scholarship Fund allows us to immediately incorporate students who simply don’t have the financial resources to participate in the program. All donations go directly to sponsoring talented scholarship applicants.
All Impracticum students become volunteer workers during their time in these classes, so your support generates positive change we can’t predict and helps more people, places, and things than we can currently name: It might plant a beautiful tree, or calm a traumatized dog, or even sponsor the author of the Great American Novel. Who knows? Your donation is incalculably important to us and enormously appreciated. We want these courses to be available to everyone. GRAVER GOODS
Publishing works across literary genres. Our inaugural releases will be Joe Wenderoth’s Agony: A Proposal, the second volume of his beloved epistolary novel Letters to Wendy’s, and a compilation of critical essays celebrating the book’s 25th Anniversary.
Your donation supports our writers and artists, Impracticum teachers, staff, and all programmatic operations. |